Welcome to transip-api's documentation! ======================================= This library aims to implement the `TransIP SOAP V5 API`_ in Python. The SOAP V5 API is marked as **deprecated** by TransIP, users are strongly advised to switch to the new `TransIP REST API V6`_. If you would like to use the new `TransIP REST API V6`_, please consider using `python-transip`_ instead. .. _`TransIP SOAP V5 API`: https://api.transip.eu/docs/transip.nl/package-Transip.html .. _`TransIP REST API V6`: https://api.transip.eu/rest/docs.html .. _`python-transip`: https://github.com/roaldnefs/python-transip Here is an example of a simple Python program: .. code-block:: python from transip.service.vps import VpsService PRIVATE_KEY = ''' -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- ... -----END PRIVATE KEY----- ''' # You can specify the private key directly or supply the path to the private # key file. The private_key_file will default to `decrypted_key`. client = VpsService('accountname', private_key_file='/path/to/decrypted_key') client = VpsService('accountname', private_key=PRIVATE_KEY) # Order a Vps without addons: client.order_vps('vps-bladevps-x1', None, 'ubuntu-18.04', 'vps-name') You can get the library directly from PyPi:: pip install transip Documentation ------------- This part of the documentation guides you through all of the library's usage patterns. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 quickstart cli api Miscellaneous Pages ------------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 contrib license Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`